Posted by TRE GAI BAMBOO |

Harvesting Mature Bamboo

Mature Bamboo crop

Mature Bamboo crop
Bamboo is elegance, plainness and intergrity for decoration interior& exterior design . It is not only a plant but also a part of people life.  

Bamboo materials - sustainable products: bamboo poles' durable, strong, natural.

 Our bamboo poles are grown in tropical jungle of southeastern Asia, we could select the best quality bamboo here , where the mineral in land and tropical weather result in the healthy growth of bamboo. It takes 4 years to gathering mature crop regularly. So that bamboo could reach sustainable structure itself : hard, strong, walled thickness(solid) - difficult to split, outside look rustic.  It is to be approved: "the strongest solid bamboo in the world". Real durable, natural. 
In labs, Strength properties of bamboo poles on Modulus of Elasticity: 18,959 N/mm2 in normal temperature condition)". Specially, the strength of solid bamboo is greater than all of bamboo species(can be the greatest)...This is very well-known species of solid bamboo"